The bitter and the sweet

Outside, tears of rain dropping on my window and the town is screaming….. inside, behind these eyes, I am lost…. Somewhere back there I lost my self, I lost my faith in God, I lost my innocence and I lost you… I am spinning in circles around this sick present and I can’t find a way out. They say there is no sweet without the bitter; well I know the bitter very well and I am waiting for the sweet, will it come?…Maybe, after all, it was love at first sight , even if now you are holding someone else’s hand, or maybe I am a sick person who can’t get up after falling down in depression. I am wondering how sweet is the sweet that comes after drowning in a sea of bitter. This cold rain is washing me taking along some of my pain, some of my troubles and some of my memories. There is no end to this and the beginning seems so far away that I forgot where I started living my life as a ghost. Maybe I am just a fraud haunting this present.

I am wondering if sometimes do you feel the same.”

Try to listen to this : cecile verny und quartet – the bitter and the sweet

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